Previous Funds
See how we have helped Merton with our previous funds
The Merton Giving Fund, Civic Pride Small Grants
The Merton Giving Fund, Civic Pride Small Grants launched in May 2024. The fund was aimed at bolstering the Voluntary and Community Sector aligning with the fourth theme of Merton Council’s over-arching Civic Pride fund, Enabling System and Place.

The Merton Giving Fund, Civic Pride Small Grants

The Merton Giving Fund, Building Resilience

The Merton Giving Fund, Green Social Prescribing
This fund is now closed
The Merton Giving Fund, Green Social Prescribing launched in May 2022. This fund provided small grant funds to applications which supported residents’ physical and mental health via pilot projects connecting with nature and taking place outdoors.

This fund is now closed
The Merton Giving Renewal Fund, launched in June 2021, supports organisations on their path to recovery, sustainability and renewal, whilst continuing our commitment to support organisations striving to meet the immediate needs of residents most affected by the pandemic.

This Fund is now closed
The Merton Giving Pandemic Community Outreach Fund, launched in June 2021. The fund was focused on improved local engagement around health promotion including testing and vaccine confidence and convenience amongst key communities in the local community as well as combatting complacency. This could be achieved either building on existing activity or new activity.

Merton Giving Coronavirus Fund
Response, Resilience & RecoveryThis fund is now closed
From November 2020 and March 2021 £127,822 was awarded in grant funding from The Response, Resilience and Recovery phase of funding through 31 grants helping to support 6,621 local residents.
This phase of funding continued the commitment we made at the outset of the pandemic by continuing to support those organisations that strive to help the immediate needs of those residents most affected by COVID-19.

Merton Giving Coronavirus Fund
This fund is now closedThe Coronavirus Fund was launched in April 2020 and provided grants to charities working locally that were impacted by COVID-19.
From April 2020 to September 2020 75 grants were awarded totalling £211,640.
For details of beneficiary organisations awarded grants from this fund, click below.